Friday, March 20, 2020

Corona Virus letter

To the church of God at Zion, scattered among our communities, yet united in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace and peace to you. (1 Thess 1:1)

This is one of the strangest weeks of our lives. In response to the dangers of Covid-19 we are of course cancelling all of our services.  In weeks to come we may offer  opportunities for private prayer in the sanctuary, whilst maintaining strict rules on social distancing. However for now, our building is closed. However you the church are needed as much, if not more than ever.

We remain in the season of Lent, and whilst our 'normal' expectations of Easter have been shattered, we are indeed in a 'Lentern' wilderness. I implore you during these wilderness wanderings to make sure that you resist the temptation merely to look after yourself, we are the people of God, we are called to love one another. I know we cannot visit and express that love in so many of the established ways, but I hope that all of us will make sure that we keep in touch, using whatever technology appropriate, particularly with those who LIVE ALONE and are rightly self-isolating.

For the wider community efforts are being made to make sure that any self-isolating, will be able to receive shopping, or pick up from pharmacies, or receive phone calls. In Frampton alone over 170 volunteers came forward from Facebook, in less than 24 hours. Covid-19 is a wicked virus, but it is heartening to see the community response. I am one of the co-chairs of this steering group. (Please pray for us.)

There are many pressures on us all at present, but also some opportunities. Many of us are not as busy as we'd expect to be. I encourage us all to build a fresh rhythm of prayer and personal devotion.  It's strange, we have asked God for years to show us 'new ways of being church,' well now we are having to find them. Going to church on a Sunday can no longer define what we are as Christians... We need new patterns and practices. With so much interaction now barred, could we reasonably build a routine of Morning, Lunchtime and Evening Prayer: an almost monastic discipline. Indeed some of us must be feeling that we are 'confined' to our prayer cells!  Attempting this prayer discipline has been a great  help to me over the last few years: how about refreshing or taking on a new devotion, as we stand together and ask God to have mercy on us, and bring healing. Here is a link to the prayer I use. 
I particularly urge you to join me in prayer at 12 noon. Either using the daily office link above, or simply praying the Lord's Prayer. (Others are encouraging prayer at 19:00 hours to stand against Covid-19.)

Although there are no live Sunday services at Zion the churches together in England have nominated this Sunday, Mother's Day, as a day of prayer. All are encouraged to light a candle (if safe to do so) at 7pm (19:00) and place it in a window of our home as a visible symbol of the light of life, Jesus Christ, our source and hope in prayer.

Lord Jesus,
In the midst of a storm,
You said, ‘Peace be still.’
Bid our anxious fears subside,
Sustain your church in faith, hope and love,
Bring our nation through this tumult,
Grant wisdom to those with heavy responsibilities,
And healing and hope to those who are infected.

Also the Methodist church and the URC have produced prayer and worship materials, including livestreamed services, which I will offer links to below.

Finally although we feel in a wilderness, we may yet discover that our God is GOOD.  Please contact us if you have any problems.

Your brother in Christ

Links for Worship from Methodist and URC church: please click these links and follow instructions etc.
In the future we may open Zion for prayer and reflection and in future weeks I may produce a podcast for those who can’t bear to miss my sermons… but for now God is leading us to find new ways to worship and serve him.

Methodist link here.     (PS I don't know whether these links will work... if not go via Zion's website  

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