Thursday, June 4, 2015

Endings and New Beginnings

                               I can’t help thinking that Sepp Blatter is probably now regretting that he didn’t ‘quit while he was ahead as such. Lots of people were telling him ‘enough’ but he didn’t listen. I see this all the time in churches, something starts really well, but we’re not so good at ending things. We get muddled up with duty, the show must go on!  The very first Christians on these Islands, the Celts had a really good way of dealing with this. Because by and large they were based on Islands and around the coast they had watched the tides, they understood the ebb and the flow: the reality that everything has a natural rhythm a starting and an ending. I’m hopeless at this; I’m a night owl and I seem to like, ‘raging against the dying of the light.’ I won’t let the day go. But this is nonsense since it goes anyway and I wake up bleary eyed each day, unprepared for a new beginning.

                So there’s my thought for the day, let it go. If you are facing an ending, embrace it, accept it. Nothing new will come until we learn to daily let go of the old. For me personally there is a bit of an ending here, I need to give up on thought for the day for a while at least, there are new adventures that I need to embrace.  May God bless you and yours until we meet again. Or as the ancient Celts used to say, God be wi ye. (For those reading the blog... I guess I will continue blogging, just not my thoughts for the day!)