Friday, January 18, 2013

View From a Cold Cottage.. Pastors last Ponderings for a while

(To See sponsorship details see earlier blog ref Lindisfarne)

                By the time most of you read this article I will have commenced my sabbatical. Truth is I’m feeling a bit guilty about that. At the same time, we as a church will have moved out of the building wherein we have worshipped for 44 years since our inception as Zion United Church. 

                Not much of a leader really… jumping ship whilst the crew have to steer through some fairly changeable and choppy waters. On the other hand, if I am the pilot, I should only ever consider myself the co-pilot, and in truth this is a time when of course we do want the chief shepherd the real pilot to guide us.  I am feeling a bit guilty, but at the same time I am feeling excited and confident for us as a church. A time of change is a real time of opportunity and I pray that my absence will make us all rely on God all the more.  If we do that then I believe this time of change and upheaval will also become a chance for us to develop as a community of God’s light… a beacon. 

                I am also a bit nervous, not so much about the work and the decisions that we will need to make, nor even about the upheaval… my prediction is that the car park is going to cause us the most problems… once the contractor starts shutting big bits of for safety reasons. No I am most nervous about people getting hurt… We all deal with change and upheaval differently and church is no different. I simply make this final plea to you all… Love one another. I think most of you love me….(even though you know me!) If you can love me, as I know you love Christ, please love one another… be patient with one another, forgive one another, just as God in Christ has forgiven us.  I doubt that I am famed for my patience, but I say to you all, please be patient with one another and put on large layers of grace. If we do that our prayers that we remain united during this process will be heard and answered.

                When I return, I hope and pray that I will be different. Perhaps I will understand a little better the society in which we live. I hope I will also have simply spent time with Christ. I’m pretty confident that I will be a little lighter and fitter. (If you want to sponsor me for my cycle pilgrimage to Lindisfarne, please fill in the sponsor forms in church or go online via my blog  to sponsor me directly there.) But what about the church, will you be different? I hope so. Perhaps there will be new people among us; perhaps the prospect of worshipping in a community hall with a slightly different style of worship will attract some new people. Perhaps we will have learnt and got to know each other better as change often fosters new relationships. I hope you too will have been able to spend time with Christ.
“If you love me you will obey what I command, And I will ask the Father and he will give you another Counsellor (Parakletos) to be with you for ever.” John 14:15-16
This really is a good time for us all to rely on God. We need the chief shepherd our captain to guide us through these changes. Not simply building works, but if we are going to impact and offer the love of Christ to our families and workplaces and communities I believe we need to learn new ways to be the authentic church of Jesus Christ, to become a beacon of his love.  This is in effect what Jesus promised his disciples before he left them. He promised them another counsellor (Parakletos) the person of the Holy Spirit who would remain with them forever. The Greek word Parakletos, was actually the name that Greek sailors gave to boats which would come alongside vessels and steer them safely into harbour. Surely that is what we need, not a new or improved minister, or even one who will remain with you while you go through big changes… we all need a Parakletos a “New Counsellor.” To this end while I am away many important things will be happening. Perhaps though none is more important than the Ignite day, of which details are in the magazine.  The strapline reads.. An introductory ‘taster’ event, exploring the person and work of the Holy Spirit.  I do encourage you all to try and attend that event, certainly for me that particular teaching has been the most important I have ever experienced. 
I commend you all into God’s sure and safe keeping. I thank you for your on-going love and prayers for me. And I look forward to God guiding us together into every place that he will call us.
To Him be all the glory: Hallelujah

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