Saturday, December 24, 2016

A Christmas Reflection

Different Stories about God:

              It seems to me that there are two equal and opposite narratives about the place of God in our world. In my humble opinion, (and those who know me realise I rarely have humble opinions!) both are wrong.

              The first narrative, looks at the festival of Christmas and says a large Baa Humbug. They are convinced that there is no basis for this celebration, other than a good excuse to have a party at the darkest time of year. They believe, sometimes very passionately, that God has no place in this world whatsoever. They are convinced that despite all the mystery and complexity of creation and all the depths and pathos of relationships that there is nothing ultimately giving meaning to all that we experience.  These folk are actually people of great faith, even though they claim to be entirely rational. As a previous archbishop once said, they believe that nothing made everything out of nothing, whereas his faith only stretched to believe that something created everything out of nothing.

              The second narrative, is in my view equally troubling. Those who adhere to this story call themselves people of faith, but actually they are in danger of peddling superstitions which simply justify their decisions, actions and often inaction.  In their understanding God is all powerful and everything is down to him. Within this motif the issue of responsibility becomes blurred. If God is all powerful and ultimately everything is down to the will of God, then we now longer have to take responsibility for our actions.

I want to highlight a misreading of the Christmas story to illustrate how this misrepresentation can blunt our understanding and divert us from our true calling as partners with God in restoring his beautiful, wonderful world. Our image of the Christmas story became skewed by a Victorian mistranslation of the greek word ‘kataluma.’ We translate it as an inn, or hotel, whereas all it really meant was guest room. We are all under the impression that Joseph and Mary struggled through Bethlehem with nowhere to stay before the miraculous baby Jesus was born in a stable with no-one to help. We all have images of multiple other ‘innkeepers’ all dressed with suitable tea towels shaking their heads and sending the poor couple away. But God’s plans cannot be thwarted….. because God is God, and so the baby is born, almost despite humanity and so begins the life of Jesus, with no-one to help apart from the practically God like Mary his mother.

The text actually reads that while they were in Bethlehem, probably staying at a relative of Joseph’s, Mary’s time came. She had the child and wrapped him up and laid him in a manger. There you are you say she must have been in a stable… because a manger is a cattle feeding trough. True it is, but in those days most of the houses had mangers in them, because the animals normally stayed in the house at night, to keep the house warm. Your goat and donkey and Ox were your very own central heating! (Smelly boiler!) The average normal house in Bethlehem was a single room, with a raised level where the people lived, and a lower level at one end where the animals would roost. In the floor at that end there was often a carved out hole, a manger: that the animals would eat from. At the other end of slightly more ‘upmarket’ houses there was a guest room, sleeping area. Real posh houses had their guest rooms upstairs!

So with this information the traditional nativity where God bursts into life despite callous innkeepers and indifferent relatives suddenly is transformed. Mary and Joseph are almost certainly part of a normal extended family, but Mary has to lay her baby in the ‘manger’ because the guest room is already occupied by the wider family or other travellers. What we discover is the intense ordinariness of the scene. The difference to normal life was not what happened, but rather what was happening. God’s son was being born in the normal humble circumstances of everyday life.

You see rather than God working despite us, all of God’s dealings show that God is passionately interested in working with us. Between this absent God or the God who does everything is what I believe is the true picture of God, one who works with us and through us, who longs for a partnership relationship. The pinnacle of this is actually the Christmas story. God and humanity tied together, the majesty of God, expressed as a vulnerable ordinary child, wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger like so many other ordinary children before and since. What this means is that we cannot expect God to do our dirty work, or to sort everything out for us, but we can expect him to strengthen us, encourage us and help us to become his working ambassadors.

Christmas tells us that the light shines in the world. However the reality is that unless we choose to reflect that light, and to live in that light then the light will not penetrate the darkness. Please do not misunderstand me, I am not saying that God cannot do all things, that he could not sort the world’s brokenness in a single flash. I am saying that God has chosen a different pathway. There are legitimate questions that you might ask from there, such as why does God not act more decisively to end the evil and brokenness in the world. But again we are in danger of passing the buck, of implying again that it is all God’s fault. The truth of Christmas is that God has acted decisively, he has made his choice. He has chosen to inhabit humanity, to work with us, not despite us. He took full responsibility for his choice, in the birth, life and death of his Son Jesus Christ. When will we awaken to the reality that now the responsibility is ours, not to walk alone, but to live in a partnership with the love that created heaven and earth: the one who is passionate to eat with us, drink with us, laugh, rejoice, weep, mourn and dance with us. God has chosen to love you, nothing you do will deflect him from that choice. However for that love to become an expression of his beautiful healing love in the world, you have to accept that love and allow it to become an integral part of who you are. That is for you to know yourself as a full partner with God. That is what is meant by being a Christian, put most simply it means, Christ-i -an, I am in Christ and Christ is in me.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

An Advent and New Year Challenge

Why not resolve to grow in your spiritual life? This will never happen by accident but requires your active co-operation with God.

If you have never attempted a pattern of regular prayer or bible study do not begin by trying to read the bible in a year, using the original languages! Try something which might be described as NEXT STEP DISCIPLESHIP: What is the next step for me to grow closer to God and to learn to co-operate with him?

Below are some resource ideas to help you. There will also be some bible reading notes on display in the Beacon over the next few weeks to sign up for.

An Advent Challenge

Sign up for the Bible Society Advent Challenge:

Daily Challenge

There are all sorts of possibilities for daily prayer and bible reading. Some are listed on Zion’s website:

Recently I found another simple but helpful aid: called Lyfe. With a short reflection and thought provoking response each day.
This is best used as an app on smart phones: (search appstore for Lyfe.)
Also at:

New Year Challenge

If you are already a regular bible reader…how about reading the bible in a year? There are various ways to do this, but I will use the Bible Project’s plan and their animated videos for each book of the bible as my guide.

Finally if you do chose to take a ‘next step’ please tell someone about this. If you are in an Inspire band, then these are the perfect people to share with. If not, then pick someone you trust who will pray for you. Any of the elders would be delighted to know you are taking up this spiritual challenge.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Thank you for having me!

A Letter to Members and Friends of Zion United Church


              I want to thank you for the trust that you have shown in me that I should remain as part of the ministry team here. I am truly thankful to have been given this on-going opportunity to serve.


              After the church meeting, which discerned it was right for me to remain in ministry here, I was challenged: to set out more clearly the vision that we have as a church. I thought a letter of thanks was a good opportunity to do this.

              The elders asked me to remain at Zion using a process from the URC called LMMR (Local Mission and Ministry Review). This review drew together many ideas and formed the basis of our AGM statements. I was ‘appraised’ in a parallel process. The question for the elders and then for the whole church was whether my gifts and weaknesses still suited our overall priorities. You decided that they did!

              So what are those priorities?

·       It’s less about what we do, more about who we are becoming.

o   Our vision shouldn’t be too churchy, focused only on what we do on Sundays. The primary mission of Zion United Church, is you (and me) and the lives that we live. It is a pretty stiff challenge, but we are called to be ‘Beacons:’ ‘Good News People’ who look a little like Jesus to the world around us.

o   One aspect of our vision was to realise that many of us are busy.  Rather than doing more, we needed to slow down, we even wondered whether there were things that we needed to stop doing!

·       To Grow

o   Not necessarily just in numbers, although we do want to be welcoming and open-hearted towards others.

o   Our priority is to grow as ‘whole-life’ disciples. We need to be serious about the way we support one another through friendships, fellowship groups and Inspire bands. We really are all called to be missionaries wherever God places us. This doesn’t mean always talking ‘Jesus’ at people, but it does mean listening and watching what is happening and asking God how we can join in with the good that he is bringing. This sounds easy, and for some it is, they are naturals…for many of us we need support and encouragement.

·       To Make Connections:

o   Sadly a lot of people are suspicious of church. We believe God is calling us to form partnerships and to work with others to overcome these fears.

o   Some examples of this are the marriage course or the flower festival we will host with Floral Friends of Frampton next year. (Hopefully we will also give away more flowers to those who are lonely or sick or bereaved). There are many other partnerships, perhaps God will place a group or organisation on your heart.


              My role is to co-operate with the Holy Spirit and help the above to happen. He reminds me to: encourage you to live your life well; support you through both joys and trials and to persuade you that your life is of value to God as you serve him as Mothers, or Fathers, Grandparents, Friends, colleagues or workers etc. I want to help us become worshippers, and by this I don’t mean just on Sundays. Rather to become people who look for God’s wonder everywhere and are learning to enjoy him and serve him always.


Ultimately we are all called to faithfulness. This will look different for each of us, but if we are serious about growing, then some kind of discipline will become part of our lives as we draw nearer to God. The aim is to see what God is doing and to try and co-operate with him.  Praying and learning from the bible about the mistakes and joys of those who’ve sought God in the past are two habits which may help us.

Indeed a heads up for two more future initiatives. In the New Year I am hoping some of you will join with me in a journey through the Bible. I will be using the BIBLE PROJECT videos like those we’ve used recently to guide me through each book. I think they’re brill! Later in the year I hope we will join with a Circuit wide (that’s Methodist speak for Bristol!) initiative called HOLY HABITS. These HABITS from Acts Chapter Two, are as varied as eating together, praying and saying thank you!

Faithfulness for us as a community means that if God calls us to care for any particular group we should do it as well as we can. I do not believe, as some suggest, that every member should be active at Zion in some particular way. God calls and leads us all differently. However some of the groups that we have felt led to in the past, particularly our work with young people, could do with some fresh input. Perhaps we should stop this work if we can’t do it well enough? Or, perhaps God will stir and call new volunteers?  


              I have already enjoyed ten years amongst you. I have learnt a lot and I hope have not hurt too many of you through my mistakes. Some of the newer members at Zion have spoken recently of the support and love that they have received. I am really proud of this. People have clearly experienced God as their friend and their saviour because of the support that you have given. This is wonderful and I long for this to extend further within our fellowship and way beyond it.

              I do love older people… (frankly at 52 I am clearly already older than most!) I do though have a heart also for younger generations, many of whom simply haven’t conceived of God’s love. You have asked me to remain as your Minister. I ask you to join with me in prayer for this generation and all the other adventures that God will lead us through.

              To God be all the glory


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Brexit means...

Here is an article I recently submitted for publication in Frome Valley Voice:

              BREXIT means BREXIT! My analysis of the state of our country could be summed up with these words. We are all aware that BREXIT means BREXIT, but less clear what BREXIT really means! We know that we are British and we live in the United Kingdom, but when it comes to the small print of our values and our relationships with the rest of the world, we differ hugely.

              I am aware that in schools we teach: British values? I wonder what these are exactly. Many of our laws and values were based around the Christian faith, but I am fairly clear we can no longer meaningfully call ourselves a Christian country. I do not mourn its passing, for all of my lifetime we have only given it lip service. I prefer genuine and passionate commitment rather than begrudging formal acquiescence.

One thing that Christianity did bring was a story around which to build our values: love your neighbour, do unto others, love your enemies, the love of money is the root of evil, take the plank out of your own eye, remember a child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven…… to the poor will be given the kingdom of God, the hungry will be satisfied, those who weep will have a time to laugh, those that mourn will be comforted. All of these teachings are actually counter cultural ideas, especially when we live in a culture whose core idol is SELF; who I am and what I can get. They sit more comfortably in a culture which genuinely values community, and realises that for its health all have a responsibility towards the weak.

              Alongside the above teachings of Jesus we have the foundations from his Jewish roots: Do not murder, do not steal, do not commit adultery, do not lie (give false testimony) and do not be jealous (of your neighbour’s wife, and thus presumably husband, or their Ox, Donkey or belongings.) How can we be a ‘Christian’ country, when our living rooms are flooded each day with adverts directly contradicting this? Without jealousy we may learn contentment, but then our economy could not be stoked up with the personal debt of the poor!

              The bright eyed of you may have realised that I have quoted only five of the Ten Commandments, I wonder how many of you know the others. Others may look at this list and conclude that indeed they were not a bad starting point upon which to build a healthy civilisation. Perhaps they contributed to our willingness to tackle the worst excesses of slavery and inhumane practices and inequality, even when these seemed to damage the wealth or status of those who held power. Indeed it could be argued that as they have sunk into the sub-conscious we have inadvertently allowed new forms of slavery and inequality and injustice to flourish.

              The five commandments I have omitted are all summed up in Jesus’ answer to the question which is the greatest commandment. He answers, ‘to love the lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.’ He sums up all we’ve said above by saying, ‘the second is like it, love your neighbour as yourself.’ For me this is the crucial question. It is the answer to BREXIT, it is the answer to our understanding of ourselves and our values. To whom or to what are we related. For myself I am convinced that I am related, indebted, valued and cherished by something far beyond myself and my local concerns. This in turn connects me to my neighbour in Frampton and indeed my neighbour in Syria. I am also convinced that the vast majority of my country no longer sense the vitality of these relationships.
              Our country must now negotiate towards a society no longer confined by our European heritage or indeed Christian heritage. I do worry about the values that we might adopt. However for me BREXIT means that I must refresh my own relationships and commitments to ensure that, wherever it is in my power, I exude a love for my neighbour, wherever they may be, which honours sufficiently the love that I understand has been offered to me. 

Friday, July 22, 2016

Summer Reflection

              Summer time is here, I hope you will have some time of rest and relaxation, perhaps to enjoy God’s beautiful world, and even reflect on your walk with God. I know I’m hoping to get some miles on my bible reading clock, as well as some trips away for Holiday.

Life often seems busy when we forget to make time to reflect. Holiday clubs, Frampton Festival and a whole series of family celebrations has meant the weeks leading into the summer have been hectic. Of course the world of the news has managed more than the odd headline: new Prime Minister, new relationship with Europe, abject failure in the football (unless you are lucky enough to be Welsh) and of course the old old story of terrorism! France’s ‘Bastille’ day marked by utter carnage, shootings in Germany, coup attempts in Turkey and attempted kidnappings for serviceman to name but a few. How can we celebrate and go on as if all of life is normal whilst others weep in sackcloth and ashes? Last month two of my children graduated, P-j my colleague became a Grandpa, my Father celebrated 60 years as a minister, surely I must rejoice and celebrate. Yet at the same time the devastation of Nice, the impending famine in Nigeria and indeed on-going devastation of Syria or Libya leave us with so many questions, to say nothing of the homeless, unemployed or mentally ill all around us.

              How do you cope?

              Some try simply to ignore it. It isn’t because they don’t care, but perhaps they reach a point that they ‘can’t care’ anymore. If we open our eyes to all the struggles and pain of others we can be swamped, and our own health or well-being disintegrates. Others isolate themselves, they focus on those situations and peoples that are close to ‘home’ and make their focus there. I must be honest and say I don’t like that attitude, but I do understand why people do it. If these two responses can be described as burying our heads in the sand, then surely there is some merit in them…. After all when we raise our head, open our eyes the devastation, the inequality, the suffering is simply too great.

              How do I cope?

              I try to turn back to God, and hopefully not just in summer when there is a bit more time! I will admit sometimes I feel God is hard to find. On the morning of the Nice attacks I was leading communion at St. Peter’s Church. I scrapped the readings I was going to use and simply turned to Psalm 22. It is a Psalm (song) of David written thousands of years ago and is the Psalm that seemed to comfort Jesus whilst he was being murdered on the Cross. ‘My God, my God why have you forsaken me…… all who see me mock me: “He trusts in the LORD; let the LORD rescue him.” ….trouble is near and there is no one to help… strength is dried up…and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth; you lay me in the dust of death.’ It is as you can see not exactly a ‘happy’ song, but it is real, brutally honest. This is why I love it. But it doesn’t only shout WOE, WOE, WOE, it also, from the depths of the pit, whispers FAITH. ‘Yet you (LORD) brought me out of the womb; you made me trust in you even at my mother’s breast……But you, O LORD, be not far off, O my Strength, come quickly to help me….All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations will bow down before him.’ I have long since decided that the only way to face the realities of this world is to do so head on and ask for strength. It is fairly obvious that we live in a wonderful and yet terrible world. To deny either is to obscure the truth. We must face both and live. Our guru, Jesus, sums up what our response needs to be like when he noticed that his generation neither danced with those who dance nor mourned and wept with those who wept. This is how I try to cope. I want to dance with those who dance, to celebrate all that is good in life, to laugh and rejoice with those who rejoice. But I also know that I am called to stand beside those who weep, to watch with those that mourn through the long reaches of the night. In truth this empathy for and with others, is an absolute key to what it means to be human. It is the reason why ultimately I believe all terrorism will fail, because even though some become radicalised and filled with hatred the very nature of that hatred is ‘inhuman.’ Know this, many many Muslims are just as disgusted by the actions of these ‘haters’ as you or I am. In the past even the most ardent Republicans or Unionists from Northern Ireland simply became sick to the core at the inhumanity of what was once called ‘the struggle.’ Our humanity will always weep with those that weep, and though we may want, or even try, to shut the doors of our heart to the needs of those not like us, the television screens and maybe even our immigrant or refugee neighbours will not allow us to. Each one is precious wherever they are from, and something deep in our hearts always knows this.

As I said Dad celebrated 60 years as a church minister recently, he chose a reading from Matt 25 which simply said, ‘whatsoever you do for one of the least of these you do for me.’ So whether you are relaxing or working this summer our calling is essentially the same: we are called to dance with those who dance, but also to be ready and to stand and weep with those who weep. In effect we are to recognise the core humanity, even the reflected divinity, of all those who are around us and to serve each one, even if they may appear to be our ‘enemies,’ as if in effect we were either dancing or weeping with Jesus himself.


Thursday, April 7, 2016

Where to find our true nature

Give me a candle of the Spirit, O God, as I go down into the deeps of my being. Show me the hidden things, the creatures of my dreams, the storehouse of forgotten memories and hurts. Take me down to the spring of my life, and tell me my nature and my name. Give me freedom to grow, so that I may become that self, the seed of which You planted in me at my making.
Out of the depths I cry to You…   
George Appleton

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Momentous LIFE or Death

                I wonder which you think is more powerful life or death. Your answer to that question probably reveals a lot about your personality; optimist or pessimist, jar half full or half empty!  Before you tie yourselves in knots thinking there maybe a definitive answer, we can all agree that both life and its absence are powerful and mysterious.

                The Easter story is precisely about these mysteries and is certainly powerful.  It is fitting that we celebrate in spring when life seems to burst forth from barren ground. At this time of year life seems to conquer death and Easter is no exception. Few would doubt that a man known as Jesus was crucified, dead and buried. The fact that many believe he conquered death and arose to life seems incredulous. Death is death, by ‘nature’ it is the end, we may argue. However when we look a little closer at nature it is not so unreasonable for most endings are really simply new beginnings. The end of a sunset is the beginning of the night, a flower that falls to the ground, is the beginning of the nutrients that are needed to give new life to another flower. 

                Death itself has been fairly well understood for centuries. The people who watched Jesus crucified were no more likely than you or I to expect that he would arise. If you are aware of Monty Python’s dead parrot sketch you must understand that 1st Century Palestinians would also have known a dead parrot when they saw one!  I however am among those who believe that in this particular death, death itself was mortally wounded. Paul expresses this when he writes:

 ‘Death is swallowed up in victory.
                O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?

If Paul is correct the answer to the conundrum with which we begun is simple. Life must be more powerful, for the greater swallows the lesser. So life is more powerful than death….. In Jesus at very least!

                I think the meaning of Easter must come down to this question. If the resurrection of Jesus is real then the power of life, particularly life connected to Jesus Christ is unstoppable.  Again as Paul wrote, ‘nothing not even death can separate us.’ Of course death still remains powerful; all sorts of separations that we experience are real, and especially so if we practically keep ourselves away from God. The ‘glass’ maybe more than half full, it may actually be overflowing and can never run dry. However you and I will remain thirsty if we do not drink it! Easter states that Life is stronger than death, hallelujah, God has done this. It is still though for us to grasp this life, each and every day and to live it and to enjoy it to the full.

Happy Easter everyday


Friday, March 11, 2016


When I hear the words ‘efficiency savings’, I have to admit that my hackles rise. I do not believe that life is meant to be ‘efficient’, it’s meant to be lived. Now you might wonder what this has to do with a ‘thought for Lent.’ I would say a great deal. Lent is a 40 day preparation (excluding Sundays!) for Easter. It’s a time of waiting before in effect the new life of spring and Easter arrives. Waiting is something that we English are very good at: we queue, we sit in traffic jams and we wait for someone human to finally answer the telephone! We are good at it, but by and large we don’t enjoy it. We think that waiting is a waste of time, we become impatient; it’s inefficient we cry.

One problem we have with waiting is that we live in a culture of demands. We expect fast food, superfast internet and instant information from the beloved (if tax avoiding) google! In a perfect mechanised world there would be no waiting… it’d be all arrival. But when life is all about arriving, without any ‘inefficient’ waiting and preparation, few of us seem to realise or indeed appreciate where we actually are.

Nature on the other hand ‘naturally’ makes us wait. One can plant a carrot instantly, but there is little point picking it until it’s grown. One can make a baby fairly quickly but it takes 9 months or indeed a lifetime to become a parent.

There are so many areas of life that this principle applies to. I recently visited Southmead hospital on a Sunday evening. The place was asleep. Oh yes there were staff quietly going about their business of caring for others, but it felt to me as if the whole place was having a rest, taking a breath before the frenetic activity of healthcare resumed on Monday morning. Is this inefficient, or is this a necessary breather for everyone. It reminded me that the God of the Hebrews in his ‘wisdom’ spoke of the need for land, animals and people to have a weekly day of rest. How inefficient: how absolutely delightfully wonderful!

(Ref inefficiency in healthcare… it is salutary to note that according to most doctors I know, the greatest inefficiency is down to not enough beds left for people after treatment. A problem caused by shrinking bed numbers, because this was more ‘efficient!’)

So back to Lent and waiting or preparing for the reminder of new life at Easter. The Christian stream that I now most closely associate with is Celtic. It came to these Islands along the sea channels around 350AD. It didn’t bring Christianity as a religion; it brought a way of life, of love. One idea that I treasure is taken from the tides, the ebb and flow: as the sea rushes in there is great activity, as it ebbs there is a time for rest. This natural rhythm is mirrored each day and each night. I believe it’s there too in the seasonal waiting of lent, which ends of course with a further ‘inefficient’ paradox: the death, the lying ‘resting’ in a tomb of the one I believe is Saviour of the world. In this case just as rest is a prelude to work, so death is a prelude to life: a bursting forth of love that not even ‘inefficient’ death can defeat. So my advice this March is to take some ‘inefficient’ rest, so that you will discover how to truly find a life that is a joy in the living.

This March we celebrate Easter on the 25th and 27th. Your local churches would love to welcome you.

Stephen Newell

Friday, January 15, 2016

Fruitfulness on the Frontline


                Have you ever noticed how growth and change don’t happen evenly? Often things seem to be plodding along with the status quo and then wallop, everything changes. Culture changes a bit like this, like a growing teenager it creaks, and then bang something new emerges. Hence the 60’s brought pop culture and now I think more cultural change is being birthed around us. Certainly this is the case for the church. In reality not much changed in churches for a few generations… we sing slightly different songs perhaps but the basics were much the same.  We were also a Christian country with good albeit sometimes suspicious, relations between different denominations. Most people knew the Christian story and were at worst polite towards us. Then suddenly we are surrounded by militant atheists, the government is talking about regulating our “radical” Sunday schools and no one seems to have the first clue about what Christianity really means. In effect I am saying to you that Christendom, where the church had a cosy and well understood relationship with the society around us has died, or at very least is dying! There is no longer a sense that because you are a Christian and I am a fully accredited church minister we should be afforded any particular respect or status. The title Reverend almost never appears on any forms anymore!

                Personally I am delighted that the change has finally come. I prefer the honesty of where we are now to the cynicism of a society that for all my life time at least has been pretending to be Christian. The question for us is how we should respond? Loads of Christians have responded very simply.  They have decided that they will at best hibernate their faith and just get on with the world. One key reason for this that I have heard is summed up in the phrase: ‘the church doesn’t make sense to me anymore.’ Funny thing is, I agree. Much of the church that I encounter simply makes no sense. The reason for this is that we have been tricked into becoming indistinct from the world. By which I don’t mean all of our front rooms are now stocked with pews and slightly dampening heating systems. I mean we have created church for consumers. You go to the shops (or online!) to buy things to be served. You come to church to be told what to believe to be served up, often with certainty. Church is where you sit and watch the minister or some other ‘wise’ person tell you how or what you should believe, or worse still tell you that you are alright while the rest of the world is all wrong! In effect our whole understanding of church is pointing in the wrong direction. We talk about going to church or think about somehow doing the church things. When in reality we need a big wakeup call to remind us that we are the church. God wants our lives to be the living, outward expression of his love in the world. The only thing that will make church relevant again is when we realise God’s love is relevant to us and all the things we are part of.

I am hoping that the new course, Fruitfulness on the Frontline, that we are starting this year will help us in this transformation.  My job, indeed the place of the church as a whole body is not to encourage you to come and watch some show, but to constantly think of ways that we can equip one another and form one another as living expressions of God’s love wherever we find ourselves. Our ‘frontlines’, are the places and the people that we spend time with: our families our friends, our work colleagues and our fellow volunteers or neighbours. I am not suggesting that our task is to somehow ram some truth about God down these poor unsuspecting folk’s throats. Rather that we should realise that God cares about everything that we do, and wants to bring his love and his joy and his healing into every part of life.  His chosen method is to be alive in the world, his chosen instrument is very often us! GULP!

Please don’t misunderstand me I am not suggesting that God’s brilliant idea of forming a church in his image is irrelevant. We need one another now more than ever. But not so that we can rejoice that we are part of a big church! Rather so that we can really help one another to become more distinctively like Jesus in everything we are. I suggest by way of illustration, that it is vital to me that I worship God with all my heart. Not because God somehow needs me to worship, although he does delight in our friendship and relationship. Rather as I worship and love God his love refreshes my innermost being and helps me to carry that love back out to the frontline. To refresh, I need to be refreshed!

The Oh so very REVEREND Stephen Newell!! J