It is with real sadness that I
tell you (who may not already know) that my friend and colleague Peter Wilson
has decided that it is time for him to retire (again!) I am a massive believer
in teamwork, and frankly Peter and I have been a team that has worked really
well, for us personally at very least. He has supported me, encouraged me,
challenged me and simply been there for me whenever I have needed. `I often
wonder how other colleagues in ministry cope, as it can be a lonely task, but I
can honestly say I have had the privilege of working alongside one of God’s
saints. He will be a very hard act to
follow, but I know he will keep supporting us and offer his successor every
help asked for.
[It may be of interest to readers
to know that both the Methodist Circuit, who ostensibly employed Peter as a
Circuit Pastoral Worker, and the eldership here at Zion are all of the opinion
that we should seek a new appointment, and we are in the process of
facilitating this.. so watch this space, and please pray, both for Peter and
for the right person to take the new post. Peter will retire in May. We wish
him and Florence all the blessing that they have so freely shared with others
over the years.]
It is my firm belief that working
with others is what the whole church is called to do. If you are part of Zion United Church, I hope
you feel that you have a team who support you as you live out a life that:
pleases God and is good for those around you. This teamwork occurs at different
levels, we need co-workers, people who work alongside us, as well as leaders in
the team. I hope you can identify some co-workers perhaps people in your
fellowship group, or just simply friends! The leadership we immediately recognise at
Zion are elders.
A new approach we are
investigating at present is called INSPIRE. This is a way to embed some
co-worker teamwork. Small groups of three or four people agree together to help
each other. INSPIRE bands do not “do anything” accept try to help the members
of the band develop character as Christian men and women: to grow as disciples.
Inspire is not a course or an activity, in effect it is simply a commitment
with others to grow into a way of life. Personally I have been in one of these bands
for about four years now and I have found this to be the most helpful
innovation I have ever experienced, real honesty and support. If you are curious please come along on 1st
April 7.30pm to an open discussion about how we may proceed and support each
other with this initiative.
LEADERSHIP: is vital. It is that
time of year when new elders are discerned at Zion. Perhaps you wonder what
eldership is. I think if you put the words, Christian alongside leadership and
teamwork, you are approaching the truth. Technically the elders are local
trustees, but we do not want to see our role with that materially driven
language. The elders have a role to help us grow in Christian maturity this is
a core leadership role: to grow up and then of course to grow out, after listening,
watching and discerning what God is whispering around us. They are involved in many diverse activities,
but I hope these are all infused with the development of Christian character
and are carried out through teamwork which advances God’s kingdom. I do want to challenge one typical
misunderstanding. We do not elect elders. Our structure is not about democracy.
Rather we want to “discern” who God is calling into this office. Each one of us can have a part in this
discernment, particularly in the early stages. Who encourages and supports your
Christian faith? If they are a member of Zion then they have just passed the first
test for leadership, you respect them! Perhaps God is whispering to you that you
should nominate them. Alongside Peter, the elders have been a great support to
me over the years. We would not have been able to build the beacon without a
supportive leadership. I believe the next task that faces us, is for us to
become beacons… to live lives that SHINE! So the leadership we need for the
next phase of God’s call will be those whose love SHINES. Please pray about
this, and if you see someone shining, please do not hide their light under your
bushel, approach them and nominate them.
God bless you this April… a month
to discern new leadership, a month to say thank you to those whose leadership
has enriched us and of course a month to celebrate Easter. The true mark of
leadership: the Cross.