simply imagine, anything you want, how would your life be different?
This is a very important time in the life
of mychurch, not because we are about to celebrate a half million pound
building project (note the “Open Doors” weekend 22-23rd March), but
because we are about to set out on what I believe is the most important
experiment that I have ever been part of. This blog is about a way of life
called Inspire, a movement committed to develop our love, of God and neighbour.
It is I think the most important movement that I have been part of in 23
years of ministry: an experiment to see if we can make discipleship work.
Are you
happy with your life? Is it doing what you wanted to do? I don’t mean simply
are we comfortable, do we have enough wealth or friends, but are we living like
we dream we could live: helping others; being fulfilled; truly developing as
people? When we look at life there are many things that give us joy, there are
also areas where we ponder, if only. However, even if we got a chance to live
life again, could we act differently? I have chosen (or been called?) to live
as a leader in the church, but am I a fraud? The hardest aspect of life, the
development of character and a lifestyle that truly pleases God and brings
light to others, eludes me. Neither could I say with certainty how I should help
others in that development. I have been privileged to help some become
Christians, to discover the joy of a life committed to God, and of course they
have developed, but I am convinced there is something more. This is where the
inspire movement has stepped in. It seems other leaders, particularly Phil
Meadows who lectures at Cliff College, had a similar frustration.
The great commission from Jesus
Christ was not to build churches, but to make disciples, transformed people. I
think at times Christianity settled for believers rather than tackling the question
of how to make our beliefs make sense. You are aware that most people treat
Christianity as irrelevant, not primarily through lack of belief but because
they do not feel a need. I do not think today’s answer is to “set the fear of
God among them:” ie to threaten them with hell. Rather we need to place a
beacon of heaven among them, the radiance of lives that do make sense, that
offer peace. It is these lives that I long to see developing among us, but how?
I realise that there are “traditional”
answers: bible study, a quiet time, practicing at serving etc etc and these
have a place. I have tried them, but I spent 20 years looking for more, for
both a way of life that was fulfilling and a means of keeping to it and
growing. I honestly think that I have discovered this in the Inspire Movement. Inspire
is, a simple way of life; guidelines to check which path we are travelling on,
and also a small group who have committed to walk a similar path and who are
committed to seeing me become more of what God imagines and knows I can become.
It is not a magic bullet, I still need
to reflect on my own life and respond to insights either from God or from the
group, but there is an intention to conform our lives to a different, ultimately
more fulfilling pattern.
Over the next months and years at Zion we
are offering everyone a chance to investigate whether Inspire could help them.
This is not about “doing” more things; it is a means of becoming more fully you.
I urge others to approach this opportunity
with an open mind, God knows and imagines all that you could become, he knows
the people who can mentor and inspire you, and also who you can release to love
their neighbour better. Building a Beacon was easy (relatively!!!) becoming
beacons this must become our focus now we need one another and of course Gods
help. I am willing to work with you, and this time I plan no “run away” sabbatical,
we are in this together to become a people of imagination and love.
For information
1st March we are supporting an away day in
Portishead entitled: “Inside-Out Discipleship” a chance to experience some of
the principles and practices of Inspire.
1st April (we must be fools!) 7.30pm Upper
Cottage or Beacon: An evening to explore how we may choose to go forward with
Zion also has appointed two “Inspire Champions” Mel Reed for
the ladies and P-j Charters for the men. Please ask them any questions. (Also
the elders and Peter and Stephen would be happy to answer any of your